Artificial Intelligence Solutions

We help businesses build dynamic user experience through solutions that tap unstructured data like text, voice, audio, images, video and convert them into highly valuable analytics and insights.

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Empowering Your Business with AI

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NLP & Text Analysis.

We use NLP to develop custom AI applications that can extract meaning from natural text data and perform customer-centric initiatives

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Voice-enabled Technology

We develop voice assistance using voice recognition and NLP that allow users to interact with business services and products via voice.

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Computer Vision

We help organizations enhance the efficiency of their business operations by extracting actionable insights and data from live and offline video frames and images with computer vision development services

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Chatbots And Virtual Assistant Solutions

We help businesses build dynamic user experience through solutions that tap unstructured data like text, voice, audio, images, video and convert them into highly valuable analytics and insights.

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Speech Recognition - Speech To Text

Real-time speech processing and voice interfaces to automate routine tasks and take user experience to the next level

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Speech Synthesis - Text To Speech

TTS saves a business time and money as it generates sound automatically, thus saving the company from having to manually record (and rewrite) audio files.

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Speech Recognition - Speech To Text

Real-time speech processing and voice interfaces to automate routine tasks and take user experience to the next level

AI-Powered Products for Your Business

Illustration about Anlat product
Our Product
“ANLAT” is an artificial intelligence powered chatbot designed to provide natural, dialogue-like responses to queries in Azerbaijan language. Azerbaijan Speech Recognition and Synthesis module have been integrated to ANLAT system.
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Illustration about Mirza product
Our Product
“Mirzə” is an online spell checker tool enables you to correct the most cumbersome mistakes, with a high degree of accuracy and speed, and to improve your written Azerbaijani. It scans the text and then compares each word with a known list of correctly spelled words (i.e. a dictionary).
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Illustration about Anlat product
Our Product
“Səsləndir” is a telegram bot for text-to-speech that transforms written text into natural-sounding audio. With just a few simple commands, you can convert any text message into spoken words.
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Illustration about Mirza product
Our Product
Nitq Yaz
“NitqYaz” is a telegram bot for speech recognition that allows you to convert your spoken words into written text with ease. Simply send an audio message to the bot, and it will transcribe the speech into text format.
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